martes, 2 de abril de 2013


                    Yamatogaa well.

Up to recent times the wells were the resource to have pure water.

This one was preserved for consumption of the government officers and leaders.


Miyakojima City General Museum displays archeology, zoology, botanic and the way how Miyako has been developped.

In feudal times they paid taxes with cloths such as "jofu".

To pray for good luck the "paantus" put mud on their body and face once a year.

The Museum reminds this event.

 Tombs from the Chudo family are considered national important cultural properties.

Nakasone Tuyumya Grave. Nakasone was a local chief of the Ryukyans.

Hakuai Memorial Museum is an exact replica of Marksburg Castle beside the Rhine.

It reminds the story of a german ship which wrecked on this coast.

 It is remarked how well the castaways were welcomed.

And stablish a link  of friendship with deutsche people as well as become a turistic resource.

Among the to many and diverse german items (by the way I suggest to fill the displayed bottles with some coloured liquid, because empties don´t give the most apropriate effect) are displayed two real blocks from the Berlin Wall.

Taking care of the flowers on the streets.

Okinawa folklore in a restaurant show.