lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013


                                                         YAMAGATA YAMADERA 
                                                                                 FROM "LIFE OF PI" TO "KITTI"

Super Komachi, the new shinkansen goes up to Tohoku too and has been released this same day March 16th  but he takes the way to Akita and I go to Yamagata.



Yamagata old prefectural office from Meiji period built in neo barocan style is a city highlight .


The statue of Mogami is quite rare in Japan because the horse is rearing up two leg.
The Clan Mogami was important in shogunate XVII century.

Yamagata-shi kyodokan hall is a beautiful wood building from Meiji period that also has been reconstructed . Doctor Albrecht  Von Roretz from Austria was invited to taught western medical science at this Hospital (XIX century).

A courtyard with a japanized garden style contrast with the western building.


Toys display in traditional costumes and look back to the right side of the picture...



 Is it perhaps the Ang Lee inspiration´s source?

And before to do the so many stairs to go up the temple of Yamadera the best is to eat the traditional "Yamagata´s soba".

Yamagata means "mountain-shape".
Yamadera in the mountains beside the city means "mountain-temple".
Highest mount around is "Zao" 1.841mt. an skiing resort.

Yamadera is a complex of temples hanged across the hill.


Founded in 860 AD by the buddhist priest Ennin (Jikaku Daishi), he became the chief priest of the Tendai sect at Enryaku-ji (Mt. Hiei in Kyoto). Yamadera also named Risshaku-ji was founded as a branch temple of Enryaku-ji on Mt. Hiei near Kyoto.

Can you see Kitti?
This mood of conciliate Life and Soul is one of my points of appreciation of Japan.
Aspects of regular life can be respectfully integrated.


It is cold, isn´t it?
Why not to protect them?


Yama-dera is well-known due to the haiku of the  poet Matsuo Basho (1689) :

"ah this silence 
sinking into the rocks 
voice of cicada"

                                                                                     NEXT :   TOKYO SKYTREE